Saturday, September 13, 2008

Game Review: Settlers of Catan

We LOVE this game and have introduced it to countless of our friends and family. So far, just about everyone we have taught has gotten hooked. The game was created in Germany and won Best Game of the Year there in 1995.

Number of Players: 3-4 unless you buy the expansion kit which makes it possible for 5-6 to play.

(expansion kit link)

Length of Play: 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours (longest times when you have many players)

Things we love about it:

1. Great family game. Ages 10 or so and up will be able to play, and adults won't get bored with it.

2. There is strategy involved, but everyone stays involved and interested in the competition up until the end (unlike Risk where players are eliminated).

3. Even when it isn't your turn, there are still things you can be doing that make it fun.

4. It is a good game for getting to know people. Seeing how people interact with the other players when they trade and work in league can be very revealing. Observe my husband here being a shyster:

5. Every game is different. The board arrangement changes every time, which means one's strategy is constantly changing also.

Things that aren't as great:

1. It takes a long time to learn the rules.

2. Games can sometimes last a long time (not as long as Monopoly but definitely longer than, say, a round of Skip-bo)

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