Sunday, October 5, 2008

Homemade Baby Books

Have you noticed that so many baby books are "busy?" They often have so much happening on each page that it is difficult to teach your baby individual words without his becoming confused.

Because that has always been a pet peeve of my mothers, she has made quite a few of her own, more simple, baby books. My baby loves them! Here is one that I think is particularly good. It has pictures of the objects that my baby meets in everyday life. (They are pictures from our apartment)
The corner is bent because it is loved!My baby finds this picture so convincing that she often tries to pick up the cheerios with her pincher fingers.

To make this little book, my mother covered the pages with contact paper and then used a hole punch to make holes which she reinforced with reinforcement stickers. Three little ribbons tightly tied make the book hold up very nicely! (better than some store-bought books.)

Wouldn't this make a nice, thoughtful, but inexpensive baby shower gift? You could really put your creativity to work and make some very fun books!