Despite its somewhat subversive message, the lanterns really do fit in to the typical halloween
Here's how I put these together:
1. I removed the sticky labels from 4 pickle jars and a wheat germ jar (ran out of pickle jars) using Goo-Gone.
2. Next, I wrote the verse across the jars using scrapbook lettering (actually bought the letters for 10 cents at a garage sale!).
3. I then covered the jars with black spray paint. A more patient person than me would have done this in several coats, but since they were going to be out at night, I figured no one would probably see the drips if I just did one heavy coat.
4. I also did a very light coat of spray paint on the inside of the jars to
5. I carefully removed the scrapbook letters and touched up the letters left on the jar with my thumbnail.
6. Finally, I placed a candle inside of each and set them on our front steps.
IMPORTANT: Do not light the candles until the spray paint is
An encouraging side note-- As some of you may have guessed, I am more of an idea person than a craft person. Translation: I am sloppy, sloppy when it comes to precise measurements, etc. If I attempt a craft and it turns out half-way decent, a normal crafter is likely to have much prettier results!
For more great ideas today head on over to Works for Me Wednesday!