e have never really decorated much for Thanksgiving before. This year though, when I found this idea for making a thanksgiving banner entirely with items found in nature, I thought it might be fun to start.
The project especially appealed to me because it would cost us nothing (we already had construction paper and glue on hand) and it would give us a reason to be outdoors.
M and I went on several nature expeditions hunting for materials. We even brought our nature bag to the zoo because I was hoping to find a peacock feather to incorporate (sadly, no luck).
It's really fun how many new things about nature one notices when one does something like this. For example, I had no idea how many different kinds of acorns there are in our area until I started scouring the ground for them.
t this stage it's difficult to predict what kinds of things will become traditions for our family, but I think it would be neat if this project became something we did every year. As our kids grow older they would become more involved. Each child could become responsible for a certain letter, etc. And wouldn't it be fun to have a collection of photographs of these banners over the years to display somewhere?