Monday, November 10, 2008

DIY Shipwreck in a Bottle

Here is something fun you and your kids can make from things you probably already have in the house. Here is what you need:

  • A jar (I used an old sesame seed jar)
  • A toothpick
  • Oil (baby oil is best, because it is clear, but I used vegetable oil and it worked fine too)
  • Food coloring
  • Paper and cardboard
  • Packing tape
  • Super glue
1. Wash the jar and remove sticky stuff from outside with goo-gone if necessary.

2. Fold a piece of cardboard in half and cut a little boat shape out of it. Use your scissors to cut a little hole in the bottom of the boat.

3. Cover the front and back of a small piece of paper with packing tape and cut a small sail shape out of it. Use your scissors to cut two small holes along the flat vertical edge of the sail.

4. Poke the toothpick through the hole in the boat and holes in the sail. Trim toothpick with scissors. Now you have your little boat.

5. Fill the jar part way up with water. (I actually filled mine a little too high- you want there to be enough room for the boat to stand up straight even when the jar is on its side)

6. Drop some blue food coloring into the water. Drop your little boat in the water. It should float upright. Fill the rest of the jar with oil. Make sure you fill all the way to the top so that there are no air bubbles.

7. Apply super glue to the rim of the jar or to the lid. Screw lid on tightly.

Watch your little ship bob and dip on the stormy seas!