I've wanted to make some sort of "quiet time" activity for M using a cookie sheet and magnets for a long time now. And it just so happened that the first real free time I've gotten to work on it corresponded to the beginning of Spring here in Texas. So, I guess it's only natural that the cookie sheet theme be flowers.
I used an old, corroded cookie sheet for this project. The paint covers any ugliness. It was important though that I find a sheet that would stick to magnets. (Aluminum wouldn't work)
The flowers are cut-outs from several old Martha Stewart magazines. They are covered with packing tape on both sides for durability. The magnets I put on the back of each flower already had adhesive backing; so that saved a little time. Painting the foliage was the most time-consuming part of the whole thing. (but relaxing and fun, nonetheless)

M doesn't really understand the concept of making a bouquet, but she does enjoy moving the "flowies" around on the pan and naming their colors. I think I may store it away for now, and take it out in a few years to be used on car trips.