1 packet of knox gelatin (1/4 ounce)
1 TB cold water
3 TB boiling water
1/4 teasp corn syrup
flavoring extract
2. Add boiling water and stir until completely dissolved
3. Stir in corn syrup and flavoring
4. Use a brush or sponge to cover the back of whatever you would like to turn into a sticker.
5. Allow to dry
I used cut-outs of flowers from a magazine. Once they were dry I put them into an envelope and mailed them to a friend who lives in the still-snowy North. Hopefully it will bring a little extra anticipation of Spring into her life!
Older children could do this craft, cutting out whatever pictures they liked. Also you could use fun flavorings like lemon or root beer extract. Once made, you could have them fill envelopes with the stickers and mail them to shut-ins. It could be fun, service-oriented craft!