Monday, May 11, 2009

Homemade Book: A Little Girl's Counting Book

I'm so thankful the Lord has given me girls. (2 so far- including my little one due in July). I just love making little girl things!

Here is my latest homemade book- a way for M to practice counting one through three. Recently, she started distinguishing between groups of one and two items. I thought maybe I could help her also recognize three things with a little practice.

Each page asks her to pick the picture with either one, two, or three of something. M's job is to lift up the correct picture. If she chooses correctly, there is a yellow star with that number in it. If she picks the wrong picture, she doesn't see anything when she lifts up the flap.

So far, she hasn't really caught on. We'll keep trying though because she really enjoys the book and all the pictures even though it is a little of a challenge for her to get the questions right.