And of course, she has a lot of fun feeling involved!
Here is a list of things I have been able to find for her to do so far:
1. Fetching things: diapers, my cell phone when it is ringing, shoes, etc.
2. Throwing things in the trash can: little pieces of paper on the ground, diapers, scraps of paper from my cutting out coupons, etc.
3. Transferring laundry from the washer to the dryer: I put the wet clothes on the door of the dryer and she pushes them in.
5. Dusting: I give her a baby wipe and set her loose in the living room with it.
6. Putting away her toys and books.
7. Snapping asparagus ends.
8. Baby spit-up catching: M watches our 6 week old baby like a hawk. If G has any little spit up or drool, or something in her nose, M is ready with a spit up cloth in an instant to clean it up.
9. Stirring food that is being prepared: I remember being fascinated with the whole cooking process when I was little- so many colors, sounds, textures, and smells. M seems to feel the same way, and likes standing on a chair to watch even when she can't help out.
10. Setting the table: I give her spoons, napkins, salt and pepper, etc to set on the table for me to arrange later. If we happen to be using paper plates, she is especially tickled to be able to place the plates at each person's chair.
11. Shucking corn: especially taking off the silkies.
I know that there must be lots of other ideas out there for ways that a 2 year old can help around the house. I'd love to learn about them!