Thursday, September 9, 2010

Homemade Toy: Weather Window

I'm not sure why, but I think weather should fascinate children. It's not so much that I've noticed that it actually does fascinate them; it's just that I think there is something really beautiful about a child noticing and thinking about how the sky changes from day to day.

Before our apartment fire, I had painted a "Little Weather Girl dress" with a place on the front of it for M to change the image based on the weather for that day. Someday, I hope to make another dress like that, but for now, I did make this little toy based on the same idea.
Some recent shoes for G came in a box with a plastic window, and I felt inspired to turn it into a little window scene with curtains and backdrops that M could change each day. When she gets up in the morning, she can check to see if the sky is cloudy, sunny, stormy, etc; find the sheet that pictures that and place it in the box. (The top opens up)She also likes to put her doll-house people in the box to "enjoy the nice day."