Every once in a while the convenience and tastiness of a Little Caesar's hot and ready pizza gets the better of me, and we buy one. I was especially tempted today because it's Tuesday (so they're extra cheap), and because I had just read about this fun idea for making a pretend pizza in Good Earth Art.
1. We gathered up all our old magazines and cut out pictures of food to go on our pizza. Never mind that we ended up with everything from a salmon dinner to a bottle of vitamins- that made it extra fun (and funny)
2. I cut out a round circle out of white cardboard and glued it onto a slightly bigger piece of brown cardboard (the crust).
3. I covered the white cardboard circle with a glue stick and let the girls stick on the pieces of food wherever they wanted.
4. We covered the pizza with modpodge and let it dry.
5. I cut the pizza into slices and placed it in our Little Caesar's pizza box. (I did end up lining the bottom with paper...at first I thought the grease marks made it look more authentic, but then I decided it was just a smidge gross)
A very fun puzzle!
It's Playtime!