Monday, September 5, 2011

Spaghetti in the Kiddie Pool

What's better than playing with a bowl full of slimy spaghetti?  Swimming in the spaghetti of course!

Through a series of strange events, we ended up with several free packages of spaghetti, and while I'm not generally a proponent of wasting food, this seemed like an activity that might just be worth it for a special treat.

First, of course, the girls had to feel around and get the feel of the stuff with their hands. 

 Giddy with excitement, they hurried into their swimsuits, plopped into the pool, and exclaimed over the strange, strange feeling of spaghetti under the feet and between the toes.  Soon they were piling the stuff on top of one another.
If we had boys, I imagine it would have devolved into an all out spaghetti war, but being girls, they had the fun of stuffing it into their swimsuits.


Piling it on Daddy's leg was fun too!

I threw a couple of lasagna noodles in there as well for a little variety.  M discovered that the lasagna noodles stuck to her like velcro.