Given the lack of any real fall leaves in the area of Texas where we are, we've decided that over the next couple of months we are going to make as many different kinds of our own as we can.
Today's adventure involved crayon shavings and wax paper. We used a cheese grater, and thankfully nobody managed to skin their knuckles. (we could have used a crayon sharpener, but I couldn't find ours)
We found all the fall colors we could to include in the shavings. (I'm partial to lots of yellow for fall leaves)
After placing a second piece of wax paper on top, we quickly ran an iron on a low setting over the papers. (quickly because the longer the iron stays on the paper the more likely the colors are to blend)
M and G found this part of the project quite magical!
Then I traced around some fall leaf shapes and cut them out. The girls applied glue stick to the backs of the leaves and placed them on the window panes.
Turned our dining room into an autumnal cathedral.
It's Playtime!