Monday, October 24, 2011

File Folder Puppet Theatres

To make an easy, foldable puppet theatre, tape two manila file folders together at the edges, cover this new wide flat surface with a piece of paper, and cut a large opening to be the "stage."  I used a blank piece of paper for the front of the stage so that it could be decorated to go along with the story.

I didn't cut the normal rectangular hole for my stage because it was a go-along for the book Down, Down the Mountain (part of our Five in a Row Co-op).  I wanted the kids to be able to reenact the journey down the mountain to town.   I scanned the characters from the book, printed them, and taped them to popsicle sticks.   I taped a little pocket on the inside of one of the sides to store the puppets.

This would be a fun way to encourage kids to retell any story they had just read.

Check out Fairy Dust Teaching for more detailed instructions and inspiration!

Learning Laboratory