A little while back my mom picked up a pack of spelling flashcards at a garage sale. M loves them because they are "self-checking" flashcards, meaning she can do them on her own.
The concept behind the cards seemed easy enough to replicate; so I made up a set of reading comprehension cards that M could use in her rest time to go along with some of her favorite picture books.
Each card contains a multiple choice question, and next to each answer I punched a hole with a hole punch. On the back of the card, the hole of the correct answer is circled. M's job is to push the end of a pen or pencil through the correct hole. She turns the card around to see if she's right.
The flashcards got tucked into a scrap paper pouch I made at the back of each book. I did it for both fiction and non-fiction books, but the questions for the fiction books seemed to work a little better for M.
Little G has been asking for some flashcards of her own. Any ideas for how I might modify the concept for a pre-reader?