Monday, March 12, 2012

Toddler Craft: Post-it Flag Lions

Lions are some of our favorite animals at the zoo, and it seems that the girls are often talking about them or incorporating them into their pretend play.  The other day as I was sorting through our junk drawer while the girls were roaring at eachother, and saw the yellow post-it note flags. It struck me that here was an easy craft idea!

 First, we found a head-on face shot of little G and printed it out (in black and white draft mode to save ink!) I used a sharpie to color her nose black and to draw on whiskers.
 At the bottom of the page I separated and stuck on a couple rows of Post-it Note flags. I showed G how to stick the flags around her face to make a mane. (it took a little practice for her to figure out that only one end of the flags was sticky)
 Of course, there was lots of fun roaring and growling as she finished up.
A Nice and easy activity with no clean-up!