M came up with this idea herself, and showed it to her little sister. She and G had the window well-decorated before I even saw what they were up to. (the post-it note flags were sitting out in the play room, leftover from a craft we did last week- shows you our pace of cleaning up around here, I'm afraid).
It looked like fun; so I made a flower
or a fan.
M also made a design with two rows of flags that she said were ribs, but I didn't get a picture of it.
It's a creative, and quiet activity for toddlers and preschoolers to do together.
More Ideas for Sticky Notes
Here are some more ideas for things you and your kids can do with sticky notes or sticky note flags:
Star Garland
Make a Scavenger Hunt for a Beginning Reader
Fold an Origami Box
Make Moveable Poetry
Make a Sticky Note Beard
Keep track of thoughts about reading
Kiss Flip Book
Make a Cityscape Mural
Make a DNA Model